Why feedback matters.
Read MoreWhen it comes to PR, learn from the worst
At best, “corporate guff” deadens the senses of the reader, and is simply regarded as a written equivalent of background noise.
Read MoreShopping mall, by Terry Freedman
11 edtech-related marketing trends in 2021
It’s difficult to predict the future, so please regard this article as a reflection of what may happen and probably should happen in the area of marketing in the coming year.
Read MoreQuestions, by Terry Freedman
10 tips for launching your new year strategy
Before considering any ideas, we ought, perhaps, to consider the question: why bother? After all, the situation is so fluid that any strategy you prepare now could be rendered out of date by next week. If one thing has proven to be certain about the pandemic, it’s that nothing is certain. It’s almost like trying to build a house on sand.
Read MoreReflecting, by Elaine Freedman
Reflections on Technology in Schools in the time of Covid: Part 1
A major thing that the Covid-19 pandemic has done is to give us all a huge kick up the backside. We’ve had the technology to enable working from home for years, but there was not much incentive to implement it very widely. It’s a testament to the commitment and flexibility of companies and educational institutions that the educational system didn’t simply collapse.
Read MoreOnline, by Terry Freedman
Which online platform?
Google Meet, Zoom and Google Classroom are all viable contenders for the task of teaching your classes online. But which one is best?
Read MoreHorror on horror’s head.
When it comes to PR, learn from the worst
Information about a tool you can use to check for the presence of corporate guff in your press release or statement.
Read More7 insights from nudge theory
An interesting experiment was carried out a few years ago in the USA. A school sent out postcards to parents simply asking them to improve their child’s attendance.
Read MoreBook review: Talk Triggers
Talk Triggers is a word-of-mouth marketing guide with a difference: lots of examples of success stories, but also a logical analysis of why they worked.
Read MoreThink outside the box, by Terry Freedman
How to enhance your free offer to schools
Lots of edtech companies are offering free stuff to schools. How can yours stand out from the crowd?
Read MoreReview of Bee Digital's Marketing to Schools Summit
What is the Marketing to Schools Summit, and what was good, and not so good, about it?
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