It’s a cliché to say that we can predict anything except the future, but like most clichés, it happens to be true! Therefore, regard these articles as a kind of thinking aloud, ruminations on technology to be aware of and ready for, with one or two suggestions thrown in.
The article covers:
Flipped learning
AR and VR
Technology availability
Management Information Systems
Test and trace.
“A major thing that the Covid-19 pandemic has done is to give us all a huge kick up the backside. We’ve had the technology to enable working from home for years, but there was not much incentive to implement it very widely. It’s a testament to the commitment and flexibility of companies and educational institutions that the educational system didn’t simply collapse. ”
Read the rest of the article on the Bee Digital website:
Reflections on Technology in Schools in the time of Covid: Part 1
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