Corrections policy
The following amendments to this page were made on 17 February 2023 in order to be clearer on my policy and the actions taken when an update or correction needs to be made.
An opening statement of intent has been provided.
The list of actions to be taken has been made clearer.
A table listing which pages have been changed has been inserted into the bottom of this page.
Statement of intent
As someone who is a long-time proponent of media and digital literacy, and a long-time opponent of misinformation or disinformation (also known as fake news) I try to ensure that the content on my website is as error-free as possible. However, while I do try to get it right first time, sometimes a website will change, more information comes to light, or someone points out (or I discover), that I've made a mistake. When one of those things happen I make the necessary correction in a fully transparent manner. That is to say, I flag the article or page as ‘Updated’ or ‘Corrected’, stating what has changed and why. The original date and time when the article or page was published are left unchanged.
Actions taken in the even of an error
Depending on the situation, one of the following will be done:
Update or correct the article, and write an article pointing out the error in the original.
If the original article it was error-free, but new information has come to light, the article will be updated as necessary with the changes made explicit. A new article will be published with a link to the updated one.
If the links or other information in the original article have become out-of-date and the article is ‘unsalvageable’ because of it, a new article is written and includes a statement to the effect “This is an updated version of…”. The original article is kept ‘live’, but will be amended to include a statement at the top of the article to the effect “This article has been superseded by…” See, for example, 7 characteristics of a good computing scheme of work.
If you see an error, please email me.
For more information about this website, including our policy on guest contributions, please go to the About page.
Corrections or updates made since 16 February 2023
The table below is a summary of updates and corrections made on this website since 16th February 2023. If you wish to look for a particular subject, use the search box at the top of the table.