In the Digital Education Supplement there is a document about how to convert an offline course to an online one. This is the inverse of that process in some ways.
Read MoreA lesson, by Terry Freedman
50 features of excellent ICT and Computing lessons
What makes an excellent ICT or Computing lesson? In this document I've tried to encapsulate the answer to that question.
Read MoreUsing codes when note-taking -- republished with a discussion
My various squiggles in my notebook or Evidence Form may not have meant much to anybody else, but it conveyed a lot of information to me.
Read MoreTerry teaching
Converting an online course to an offline one
Having run a couple of very successful courses online, I’d like to convert one of them to a course in a physical classroom, having launched it as an online course right from the outset.
Read MoreZoom meeting, by Terry Freedman
Converting an offline course to an online one (Updated)
In 2019 I taught an introductory course on blogging, for adults. I was invited to teach it again. Then a small event called a pandemic intervened, so I was told that the course would be moved from a physical classroom to an online one. My reaction? Excellent.
Read MoreReading efficiently is a must for teachers of Computing and information technology (Updated)
With more and more to read, and with the ever-changing landscape of education technology, teachers of Computing and related subjects need to be able to read more in the same amount of time. Here are some tips that I’ve found useful.
Read MoreThe scream by Terry Freedman, with apologies to E.Munch.
How to retrieve an older version of an Excel spreadsheet
Someone we know was in a bit of a panic recently because he had mistakenly deleted part of his Excel spreadsheet, and then saved over it. Was there, he wanted to know, a way of getting back the spreadsheet as it was before he made those ill-advised changes? As it happens, there often is.
Read MoreCreating filler text: useful tools for teachers
If you produce the school’s newsletter, or a departmental newsletter, or a newsletter for parents, filler text will enable you to quickly test a new template without worrying about the actual content.
Read MoreLearning together. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Creating a staff IT skills audit with Google forms
You would be forgiven for thinking that every teacher in the country has spent lockdowns being so immersed in technology that they have all become experts. There is no more need for staff training in IT skills — and so no need to conduct a staff audit.
If only!
Read MoreReading efficiently is a must for teachers of Computing and information technology (Updated)
With more and more to read, and with the ever-changing landscape of education technology, teachers of Computing and related subjects need to be able to read more in the same amount of time. Here are some tips that I’ve found useful.
Read MoreIn case you missed it: Converting an offline course to an online one Checklist
In case you missed this when I posted it during half-term… I’ve written a long article about how I converted a course I’d taught in a classroom to one I was able to teach online. You can grab a checklist version of it in the form of a pdf by signing up to my newsletter, Digital Education, which is free.
Read MoreTackling tech troubles while teaching online (or avoiding them in the first place)
The following seven tips are based on my own experience, both as a tutor and a student, of things not going to plan.
Read MoreZoom meeting, by Terry Freedman
Hybrid Learning
The first thing that struck me when doing the research for this article is how often the terms “blended learning” and “hybrid learning” seem to be used to mean whatever the writer wants them to mean.
Read MoreHow to improve your chances of winning an award
Having been a judge for a number of awards, I’ve come across good practice and poor practice by entrants.
Read MoreTips for experts who now have to teach online
UPDATED! If you are an expert in your field, and now teach adults online, but don’t have any formal training as a teacher, you may find these tips useful.
Read MoreZoom meeting, by Terry Freedman
Converting an offline course to an online one
In 2019 I taught an introductory course on blogging, for adults. I was invited to teach it again. Then a small event called a pandemic intervened, so I was told that the course would be moved from a physical classroom to an online one. My reaction? Excellent.
Read MoreUsing codes when note-taking
My various squiggles in my notebook or Evidence Form may not have meant much to anybody else, but it conveyed a lot of information to me.
Read MoreSignpost, by Terry Freedman
On my other blog: The stages of writing an article
If you have to write articles, reports or blog posts, you may find this article useful.
Read MoreChecklist: Converting an offline course to an online one
In case you missed this when I posted it during half-term… I’ve written a long article about how I converted a course I’d taught in a classroom to one I was able to teach online.
Read MoreConverting an offline course to an online one checklist
I’ve written a long article about how I converted a course I’d taught in a classroom to one I was able to teach online.
Read More