Good riddance to levels in ICT and Computing

Yet this is precisely what the government expects.
I was a teenage geek

One day when I was 15, I was milling around in this youth club trying to look cool, when someone came up to me and asked me if I’d be interested in joining a cinematography club he wanted to get started. He explained to me that I’d learn how to use a cine camera to shoot films, edit the films,learning about lighting and all that other technical stuff, so I said “Yes!”.
I’d never touched a cine camera in my life.
5 Characteristics of an Ideal Programme of Study for ICT
Interesting times in ICT
The phrase “May you live in interesting times” is usually cited as a sort of curse, but can you imagine the opposite, ie living in boring times? Fortunately, especially here in England there is no danger of that for a while, at least in the world of ICT. Here are a few snippets of news which I won’t comment on at the moment because I like to cogitate, reflect, and then cogitate some more before pontificating. As I said in a previous article (10 Obligations of Bloggers), quoting Salvator Rosa, I believe in the adage “Be silent, unless what you have to say is better than silence”.
4 Reasons that the ICT Programme of Study “had” to go
The fate of the ICT Programme of Study could have been predicted accurately long before Judge Gove donned his black cap and passed the death sentence. After several years of what might be justly described as a “war of attrition”, the weight of the “evidence”, such as it is, made such an outcome unavoidable.
This article is not, to continue the analogy, meant to be the beginning of an appeal process
Analysis of a poster
Actually, the title is a bit of a misnomer because I don’t intend to analyse this poster! I thought it might be something to discuss with students from an ICT point of view. I saw it whilst travelling on a Docklands Light Rail train recently. Your literacy colleagues may be interested too – can they spot the grammatical error?!
Plausibility and accuracy in the ICT Programme of Study
At Level 4 in the English Programme of Study for ICT pupils are expected to be able to question plausibility, whilst at Level 5 they should be able to check for accuracy. What’s the difference, and are these even indicators of digital literacy?