Two cheers for this well-researched book. If I were still a head of department in a school I would buy a copy or two to lend to interested colleagues, especially NQTs, despite my criticisms.
Read MoreReview of The Science of Learning
This book aims to solve the difficulties teachers face in accessing educational research through the approach of presenting each research study as a double-page spread.
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Why recipes are a poor way of teaching algorithms -- and why they're not
Recipes as algorithms is one of the themes I'll be exploring in the next issue of Digital Education, which will be out soon.
Other themes include 'Is educational research worth the paper it's written on?' and much, much more.
Read MoreTake part in an education research survey
Professor Sarah Younie and her colleagues are undertaking research about, er, research. Do you find educational research useful in your teaching? What would make it more useful? Please take part in a brief survey that is looking into questions like these.
Read MoreThe education research problem
Independent consultant and self-confessed “controversialist” Crispin Weston offers a personal view of the current educational technology landscape, and what needs to be done to transform it.Modern research still confirms the vital importance of students receiving timely, actionable feedback, the essence of “dialogic” teaching. But the amount of such personalised feedback in most schools and colleges is extremely limited.
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