I'm very interested in the use of research in education. To put it another way, I believe that evidence-based education is better than relying (solely) on intuition about what works in the classroom.
Photo by TeroVesalainen CC0 licence
Professor Sarah Younie and her colleagues are conducting some research in order to find out what teachers would find useful.
Sarah writes...
Please participate: International survey http://www.meshguides.org/survey/
We are writing on behalf of the MESH* international network of educators investigating your access to research evidence to support your practice.
The survey is designed for teachers/teacher educators/student teachers in any country, of any school phase, and any subject.
The goal is the open sharing of research knowledge relevant to teaching worldwide.
It should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. To change the language, press the Google translate button on the survey.
Improving the quality of education in every country is a United Nations priority through the new Sustainable Development Goals. The data will inform the UNESCO Teacher Task Force meeting in September.
The more data we have the more chance there is of providing, free of charge, research-based knowledge to teachers regardless of their location. Please pass this on to colleagues.
Many thanks for your time and support.
Yours faithfully
Sarah Younie on behalf of MESH.
Dr Sarah Younie, Professor in Education Innovation l De Montfort University l Leicester l LE1 9BH. Twitter: @sarahyounie
*MESH = Mapping Educational Specialist knowhow (www.meshguides.org)
Sign up in the orange band on the front page of the MESH website for updates: www.meshguides.org