Just to be clear, I inserted quotation marks around the word customers in order to indicate that I’m not referring to customers just in the traditional sense of the term.
The “road” doesn’t have to be closed during this time. There are still things you can do, circumstances permitting.
Tips for Teaching Online
If you’re a teacher, your “customers” are your students. (I’m sure some people would say parents, but without the students teachers wouldn’t have a job.) There is plenty of information and tips on this website, or you could grab a compilation of articles on the subject called Tips for Teaching Online, by subscribing to my newsletter, Digital Education, for a limited period of time.
If you’re a consultant or work in the corporate sector, I’ve put together half a dozen ideas you may find useful. Here’s the link:
One final word. All such suggestions are predicated on physical and mental health, and the health of those we care about. Circumstances matter, and so do priorities. But other things being equal, I hope you find the suggestions useful.