The short answer to the question that forms the title of this article is “Yes”. Even so…
Read MoreThe Great Training Robbery
There must surely be few things more annoying than, having put a lot of work into a course, you discover that someone has ripped you off. They are using your materials in their course. They might even be selling your materials somewhere online.
Read More14 ideas for edtech company incentives
I was once offered discounts on buying a suite of computers for my school if I persuaded my colleagues to take out an insurance policy!
Read MoreFake news and media literacy
I like to try and give people the benefit of the doubt, but is that always the right approach? Ambrose Bierce defined a cynic as someone who sees things as they are, and not as they ought to be.
Read MoreOf COURSE classrooms have changed in the last few hundred years!
Is it really true that classrooms haven’t changed since the year 1600?
Read MoreOn this day: Robot rights
You can just imagine the family rows of the future, should technology ever reach the point where it isn't possible to distinguish between humans and non-humans merely by looking at them.
Read MoreIs it worth doing an MA? Continued
In June 2021 I wrote an article called Is it worth doing an MA? I listed several reasons why I think the answer is “yes”, but forgot to include one or two really important ones!
Read More7 questions about blogging
You can build up a body of work without having to try going through gatekeepers.
Read MoreI don't agree with Cognitive Load Theory (CLT). Here's Why
A question: is Cognitive Load Theory another example of the emperor’s new clothes?
Read MoreOn this day: Thoughts about Alexa
I can’t get used to just barking orders at someone. Whatever happened to courtesy?
Read MoreResponsible Use Policies
The general thrust of education these days is on student-centred learning. This is often expressed by depicting on the teacher’s role as being the guide on the side rather than the sage on the stage. Regardless of whether you agree that that’s how things should be (and as it happens I don’t!), the often-stated philosophy these days is that students know best.
But does stating that philosophy mean that it is observed in practice?
Read MoreAsk the expert: a Zen-inspired view
What can a Zen outlook teach us about education technology etc?
Read MoreChoosing the right education conference
Anyone who announces that we need change, but without going any deeper into it, is an idiot as far as I am concerned. Either that, or they assume that I am.
Read MoreDigital Functional Skills Qualifications
The Department for Education in England and Wales has issued the specifications for a new digital skills exam. Well, two cheers for that: it’s about time there was something from the DfE for young people which doesn’t expect them to develop a deep knowledge of computer programming.
Read MoreWhy your business needs an ebook
Ebooks are the perfect medium for “going niche”. In this article I look at the main benefits to your business.
Read MoreBritish Gas and the Internet of Things (Updated)
Most talks I have heard on the subject of the internet of things, by which is meant the connecting up of objects with people and other objects through wireless technology, have been completely daft.
Read More9 criteria for evaluating a school’s education technology and 8 criteria regarding Computing provision
Whether you are moving to a new school, or staying where you are, it’s good to stand back and try to gauge what the school’s education technology and Computing are like. Why you would want to do that if taking up a new post is obvious: you want to see how the land lies so that you can start to identify any improvements that could be made.
Read MoreAre you serious?
We seem to be living in an age in which the more half-baked the idea, the more likely it is to find traction. I wonder, often, if this is because people think, “X has said this. X is an intelligent and wise person. Therefore this must be sensible.”
Read MoreAda Lovelace Day 2021
Imagine what Ada Lovelace might have achieved had Babbage actually built his “computer” and she hadn’t died at the age of 36.
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