I live in the east of London, and from an ed tech point of view it's great -- or, as my American friends would say, awesome.
Hub Central, photo by Terry Freedman
A short train ride away there's silicon roundabout, which is like silicon valley only smaller. Even closer, my local library is doing some great things, with a new Hub Central for business, especially start-ups, and a Lab Central where kids can learn coding skills and borrow a Raspberry Pi. There are more details of these here: Hub Central Launch.
What's really good about all this is that it places the library at the heart of the community, especially as far as education technology and helping local business are concerned. I've written more about this for another website, so if/when that's published I'll put the link here.
In the meantime, I wrote about another local-ish initiative in a recent issue of my newsletter, Digital Education. It's the article entitled 'Making Space': Digital Education, 26 May 2017.
I've also written about education technology at a venue near you in the article Going Local.
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