Here are the most-read articles on the ICT & Computing in Education website.
I've been trawling the archives!
13 reasons to use educational technology in lessons
First published on 3rd March 2011, this post continues to have thousands of views each month.
The importance of mobile phones in education
This was first published in 2010 in the newsletter Computers in Classroom, which is now called Digital Education. It was written by a school student.
25 features of outstanding ICT lessons
Another article published in 2010, this continues to be one of the most popular articles on this website.
24 must-have features of computer labs
I still think there is a place for computer labs, so I took a chance and wrote this article a couple of months ago (at the time of writing), in August 2016. I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that I'm not alone in my views, given the number of times the article has been accessed.
5 mistakes I made when teaching Computing, by William Lau
This guest post by teacher William Lau garnered hundreds of views within the first few hours of being published. It's both incisive and well-researched. That was originally published in the Digital Education newsletter in July 2016, and then republished on this website on 7th October 2016.
I hope you find these articles interesting. As you've seen, a couple of them were published first in the Digital Education newsletter. Another one (about the characteristics of outstanding ICT lessons) has a much longer free download supporting it, available only to subscribers. So, if you'd like to read some great articles before they become more generally available, and fancy some good free stuff too, then subscribe to Digital Education now! It's free. Here's the link: Newsletters.