Carol Gentles, chair ICET ( and University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, and Marilyn Leask, co-chair, MESHGuides network ( and De Montfort University, UK, have emailed discussion groups about an interim report about teachers’ experiences. The data is drawn from 30 countries, and will be discussed in a couple of online symposia. Here’s the information:
Teacher Experiences and Practices in the time of COVID-19: Valuing Teachers’ Voices - symposium
The Symposia are organised by the International Council on Education for Teaching ( and the MESHGuides network ( The Symposium is repeated at two different times to accommodate colleagues in different time zones.
An interim report based on data gathered from around 30 countries will be discussed and more data will be gathered through participants' contributions.
Where numbers are sufficient, breakout rooms will be conducted in participants preferred languages.
The dates and registration forms are as follows:
Symposia 1: Thursday, October 8, 2020 New York Time: 10 am to 1 pm
Symposia 2: Thursday October 15th, 2020 Tokyo Time: 2 pm to 5 pm
Following the gathering of further contributions at the Symposia, a final report will be produced and freely circulated to national and international organisations.
We look forward to the conversations. Please forward the invitation to your teacher and teacher educator colleagues.
Symposia flyer.png
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