I've updated my "About" page. I'd love to know what you think.
Read MoreWhy Do You Blog?
In Why I Write, George Orwell suggests the following reasons that someone may wish to write:
- To make money.
- Egoism, eg a desire to appear clever, or to be remembered after your death.
- Aesthetic enthusiasm, eg a love of words for their own sake.
- Historical impulse, ie a desire to see things as they really are, so that posterity my benefit.
- Political (with a small ‘p’), ie to influence other people’s ideas about society.
I’d also add another two:
Educational, ie the desire to give others the benefit of the knowledge you’ve acquired – which I suppose could also come under the heading of egoism, or even political.
Record-keeping, be that as a diary, a research record, or another kind of journal.
So I am wondering if these categories might be applied to blogging? Why do people blog? I’ve set up a very simple, and no doubt simplistic, poll to find out. I know the categories are subtle and overlap and interface with each other. Nevertheless, my poll comprises just one question:
What is your number one reason for blogging?
Do take part, and feel free to add reasons of your own on the ‘Other’ category. Let’s see what transpires.
Who Ya Gonna Call? Results of My 'Experts' Poll
A while ago I conducted a survey to find out who or where people turn to for expert help. Here is a quick snapshot of the results:
Who you turn to for answersIn a forthcoming issue of Computers in Classrooms I'll be adding more detail, such as what people suggested in the 'Other' category. Thanks to everyone who took part in the survey.