Professor Diana Laurillard has informed me of a new course that is going to be run for teachers and others with an interest in how ICT is being used in primary education in various countries. I think it sounds very interesting. Here’s the official blurb:
This is to announce a new course on ICT in Primary Education, to run as a MOOC (a massive open online course), hosted by the University of London.
The course is a collaboration between the Institute of Education and the UNESCO Institute of IT in Education. The course team has instructors from 8 different countries.
It is designed as a professional development course for teachers, head-teachers, leaders and policymakers in primary education, but is open to all with an interest in this area.
Why and how are teachers integrating ICT (Information and Communication Technology) into primary education? In this course we analyse examples from schools in different parts of the world, and bring professional teachers, headteachers and policymakers together to share their best ideas and inspiring stories. The materials in the course are based on studies carried out for the UNESCO Institute of IT in Education, and include exemplars from several different countries across the world.
Photo by Michael Coglan course runs for 6 weeks, and provides 5-10 hours of study each week, depending on the pathway the participant chooses to take. There is an option of receiving a certificate of completion, and/or a statement of accomplishment. Potential participants can see the course description here, at where they can also register for the course.
The course is free and open to all.
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