Managing ICT on a budget

Tomorrow evening, at 7 pm UK time, I’ll be hosting a discussion on managing ICT on a budget. If you have any top tips you’d like to share, or are looking for some ideas on how to make your budget go further, why not pop along?

Here are the details:

Tuesday 19th July 2011 at 19:00 UK time, here.

If you’re not in the UK, find out what time it is in your neck of the woods by using this world clock time converter.

Please tweet this announcement; thanks!

Whilst I have your undivided attention, here’s an announcement. I recorded it using a cell phone, more as an experiment than anything else. I was pleasantly surprised to find the quality of both the video and the sound were not bad at all. I was also pleased that I was able to record it and keep myself in the frame!


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