In a recent article I said that I've compiled 88 resources for my course on assessing Computing. Well, having interviewed someone yesterday and someone else a few days ago, I've now increased that to 94. Not all of them will be right for everyone, but each of them will be right for somebody.
I've also changed the cover of my book on how to get the most from education conferences:
A new cover, but the same book, which is available at
(Incidentally, the price is still £0.99 or $0.99, but I shall be raising it soon.)
I really must stop this constant tweaking. That's the trouble with computers: they make it too easy. In the days of typing or handwriting worksheets, you knew when to say "That is good enough": when making a small amendment would mean redoing the whole thing. These days, one has to rely on self-discoipline, which is much harder.