Not all of these are concerned with education technology, but they are all concerned with education. They all look interesting.
EduTech Conference 6th October to 7th October 2017
This conference looks very interesting, with lots of 30 minute slots. I’ll be talking there on the Friday, on the subject of 10 stimulating ideas for your Computing curriculum. Look through the listings, and you’re bound to recognise some of the names.
The conference is free to attend, so definitely worth going to!
The next few conferences listed are from the Westminster Forum. These are short -- typically only a morning -- but they pack a lot in, with several five minute talks and a few 20 minute ones.
Next steps for science education and STEM skills provision - participation, teaching and progression to higher level study Book Online | Live Agenda 9th October 2017
Technology in HE 18th October 2017 -- If this is of interest to you, you may wish to look at my article on the use of smartphones in HE, published in the UK edition of Technology and Learning.
Next steps for the UK children’s content market: investment, international competitiveness and policy priorities 2nd November 2017
Key issues for independent schools: the future shape of the sector, curriculum design and student recruitment 7th November 2017
Next steps for education technology in England 28th November 2017
Monetising digital content: growth, trust and regulation Book Online | Live Agenda 30th November 2017
Bett Show: the UK's largest ed tech conference/exhibition 24th - 27th January 2018.
Data protection and the developing regulatory framework Book Online | Live Agenda 25th January 2018
An earlier version of this article was first published in Digital Education, my free newsletter.
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