Bett2020 100
In this series I will be writing about my experiences of Bett2020 – products, impressions – in vignettes of exactly 100 words. Why 100 words? Because I wanted to see whether or not it was possible. I will try where appropriate to provide links to further information.
Bett2020 by Terry Freedman
Sal McKeown showed me a device called a Reader Pen. This reminded me of a handheld scanner I tried out a few years ago. This one, though, rather than only capturing text also has built-in optical character recognition. Crucially, it will replay the text for you as an audio file.
Now, I've literally had a demonstration lasting about 30 seconds, but I was impressed enough to believe that it may be worth exploring if you have, as the blurb says, reluctant readers, students with reading difficulties or EAL students. This kind of device can level the playing field I think.