Bett2020 100
In this series I will be writing about my experiences of Bett2020 – products, impressions – in vignettes of exactly 100 words. Why 100 words? Because I wanted to see whether or not it was possible. I will try where appropriate to provide links to further information.
Sarah Younie talking about Eye Gaze in a TPEA seminar at Bett2020. Photo by Terry Freedman.JPG
The talk about Eye Gaze given by Professor Sarah Younie at Bett2020 was fascinating. The technology generates “heat maps” that tell you where a child is actually looking -- and what they’re ignoring. Research showed that what people thought grabbed the attention of kids with Profound and Multiple Learning Activities (PMLD) is inaccurate. Cartoons? The pupils preferred real objects or photos of them. Oh, and in colour. Also, they prefer uncluttered backgrounds. I can’t help wondering about the assumptions some publishers make about children in mainstream settings. Some book pages are so busy that you don’t know where to look first.
Sarah Younie has emailed me to say:
“Raj was the researcher on the project and was involved in preparing the slides & the report. Unfortunately Raj couldn’t stay till Friday to do the presentation, so I did it on both our behalf.”