For colleagues who like pondering data, here are some statistics about the latest issue of Digital Education, the free newsletter for those with a professional interest in educational ICT and Computing…
The latest issue contains:
The cover of the latest issue of Digital Education
- 10 pages
- 10 articles, of which there are…
- … 4 articles by guest contributors
- 3 advertisements
- 44 links
- 5 competitions/awards/offers (ie things to enter)
- 2 surveys
- 1 Book review
- 1 free gift
It has been published, in various guises, for 19 years.
It has been distributed to several thousand people. You could be one of them! Subscribing costs nothing, and ensures that you always receive it in a timely fashion and can enjoy great articles -- and various offers from time to time.
Your newsletter editor is hard at work sifting through the submissions for Digital Education, the free newsletter for education professionals. Have you subscribed yet?
Read more about it, and subscribe, on the Newsletter page of the ICT in Education website.
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