To borrow from Mark Twain, reports of the death of the interactive whiteboard have been exaggerated. Despite often being used ineffectively or even badly, it still has much to offer.
I’ve written a brief guide to making the most of your interactive whiteboard which I’ve called, logically enough, Making the most of your interactive whiteboard. Originally, this was in response to a request I received while teaching on a teacher-training course recently.
This guide is free to subscribers of Digital Education
Here’s what it consists of:
- Introduction
- 5 advantages of an interactive whiteboard over a non-interactive whiteboard
- 10 Tips for Good practice when going into a new school
- The two main types of board
- 8 things to try out
- 3 Ways of getting the pupils involved
- Finding out more
- Finally
It’s available free to subscribers of Digital Education. Sign up, and you’ll receive an email telling you where it is (current subscribers will be informed in the next issue of the newsletter, coming soon).