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Many schools across the country have invested in tablet technology, but are they using them to their full potential? Research indicates that used correctly, tablets are fantastic learning tools and can really inspire students and aid teaching. A potential barrier to tablet technology being fully utilised in schools is the complexity of storing and moving work and sharing finished pieces between students and staff.
For any tablet technology to be successfully used, it needs to be beneficial to learning and student achievement, and must be simple to use both by teachers and students. Any apps need to seamlessly integrate into the learning environment and curriculum so they don’t detract or become an additional “chore” which impinges on everyone’s time. One new app and software tool which fulfils this criteria is TrilbyTV which is being launched at BETT in January 2014.
Trilby TV CategoriesTrilbyTV is an exciting and simple to use video sharing app and online storage service that allows students to share video projects with each other and around their school, once they have been moderated by a member of staff. From a teacher’s point of view, being able to easily share an excellent piece of work created by a student opens up great learning opportunities. From a pupil’s perspective, it’s exciting to be able to show off their video! Once moderated, videos can be shown on a school’s existing screen infrastructure – whiteboards, reception display screen, dining hall screens, in fact on any screen within the school. Just think, instead of showing today’s weather or a generic news feed on your reception screen, why not get some students to make their own weather forecast or a school news programme? How about asking your catering staff to create this week’s menu “live from the kitchen”?
Trilby TV Video Feed
One of the best ways to engage and inspire students is to bring a subject to life. A simple way to do this is to utilise technology tools in your school. TrilbyTV allows videos to be uploaded into specific subject areas, where they await moderation by an appropriate member of staff, before being made generally available in the school. Imagine a successful science experiment, filmed by a student, being shared and discussed with other students, with a couple of taps. What about videoing parts of a geography or history trip? Students could video areas of a historical site or certain artefacts and explain their importance and value within the video. Videoing students training for football during a PE lesson, or indeed a real sports match, could persuade others to take part and become part of the team. TrilbyTV offers endless opportunities to open up learning and help students reach higher goals.
Two Mile Ash School in Milton Keynes has been trialling TrilbyTV during its pilot phase and Assistant Head, Hayley Cook commented, “TrilbyTV has allowed us to make the most of our video content letting us easily share it around the school including to our reception area screen. I've even seen children dragging parents back in to the reception area after the school day to show mum and dad themselves on the TV. Young people seeing their work showcased in this way brings a great sense of pride and achievement.”
Unlike other solutions, there is no need for a specially trained technician to manage the system because it is so simple to set-up and use. The TrilbyTV website contains support resources such as video guides, project ideas and training documents. The TrilbyTV team is also on hand to offer support and guidance.
TrilbyTV takes care of the management and storage of videos and uses fully secure UK based cloud technology, whilst giving teachers absolute control of what is shared and where it is shared.
Have a look at www.trilbytv.co.uk and see how you can integrate this simple, yet powerful solution into your school, giving you another tool with which to inspire your students.
Further information
TrilbyTV has been developed by Trilby, a well established business with 20 years of trading history and a huge catalogue of successful UK and International projects within the education and IT sectors. Trilby has produced content for large corporates, national charities and local authorities in the UK and works with some of the worlds leading education and technology providers. Trilby has a mix of education specialists and software developers, who together help make the best use of technology within an educational environment. Trilby provides inspiration sessions to help schools make the most of technology products, and creative and IT courses which transform teaching and learning in the classroom.