Collabor8 4 Change is one of the fringe events at the forthcoming BETT show, and comprises up to around 50 round table discussions, each lasting 20 minutes. You can attend up to 5 of these over the three hours of this stupendous event. In a daily series of posts this week I hope to highlight some of the table discussions that are planned.
Here are the first five on my list:
Collabor8 4 Change at BETT 2011. Photo courtesy of Ian Usher,
- Andrea Carr: ICT in the primary curriculum - overcoming barriers. Please scroll down to see new title.
- Alessio Bernardelli: Does Mind Mapping improve learners' understanding? What are the best tools to engage learners in effective Mind Mapping?
- Annabel Rook: Improving literacy in an social learning environment.
- Antony Moore: The Future of Learning Platforms
- Arie Wels: Teaching outside the classroom walls
You won’t be able to attend unless you have a ticket, which you can obtain by clicking on the link at the start of this article and registering. Don’t worry, it’s free!
We have room for a few more table discussions, so if you have been thinking of hosting one, now is the time to step up to the plate and be counted – and my apologies if that is a mixed metaphor! If you’re not sure of whether to or not, you can always contact me with your idea and I will let you know if it sounds right for the event. I can also send you some guidelines. It’s not difficult, and the focus is on discussion and sharing, ie being a guide on the side rather than the sage on the stage.
Check the ICT in Education website tomorrow for the next five – same time!
I forgot to include a disclaimer, so here it is:
(Adapted from the disclaimer in Computers in Classrooms, and approved by the highest court in the land.1)
Good morning, Judge. I wasn’t even there; it wasn’t my fault; he made me do it, etc. Seriously, though, all the information and links have been checked, and offered in good faith. But the actual programme may have to be changed without notice.
Anyway, what prompted this sudden total recall was a change in the title and focus of Andrea Carr's discussion, because I had inadvertently used the title of last year's discussion. It is now the far more intriguing (in my opinion):
- eReading - how should schools use technology to get children reading?
See you there I hope!
1. Actually, a tennis court on a hill in the north of England.