I'm interested in how technology is used in the media, and think that in many respects the media is more innovative than schools when it comes to using the technology.
I think it would be interesting to explore this, and perhaps a good way of starting off would be to join an online discussion this evening with Tony Johnston of the Press Association. This is the information, copied and pasted from a previous article:
How did reporters cover the Whitehaven shootings last year, in which 12 people were gunned down by someone on the rampage? What technology did they use? Join Drew Buddie and me for a live discussion with Tony Johnston, of the Press Association, at 7pm UK time on Tuesday 25th January.
The Press Association building, LondonAlso find out how schools can work with the Press Association in a very cost-effective way to give students a real insight into how a modern paper works, with a professionally-produced magazine or newsletter at the end.
You’ll want to tell your Creative and Media, Media Studies and PHSE/Citizenship colleagues about this session too.
The session will start promptly at 7pm UK time, although usually you may enter a few minutes early if you wish. Here’s a world clock for colleagues who will be outside the UK at the time. The session will be hosted until 8pm, but the room won’t be closed until 9:30pm for colleagues who wish to continue the discussion. Please note that the session will be recorded. If -- sorry, I mean when -- you tweet about these sessions, please use the hashtags #vitalcpd and #sictco.
I do hope you will join us, and then help to continue the conversation afterwards.