The Wonder Why Society
The Wonder Why Society is a free, fully moderated, collaborative online learning community for primary school children. The space allows children and teachers to explore an exciting world of wonders – news, views and discoveries.
The UK has a major skills gap. It’s a problem that we are all aware of. Youth unemployment across Europe amongst 16-24 year olds is historically high and rising. As new types of jobs evolve the skills gap can only get bigger unless businesses and schools work together to change outcomes. Learners need more than ever to understand the purpose of why they need to gather different types of knowledge.
This issue starts at the roots of learning. Education shouldn't be just about gathering knowledge, it should be about understanding why we need it and then what we can do with it. Knowledge is power, but it needs to have purpose.
Every employer that I talk to wants employees to have creativity and to be able to think for themselves. However, everyone knows the curriculum has become so rigid and target focussed that it's knocking the passion out of learning. Learning should be fun and engaging, because that passion is what drives innovation.
My plea to businesses is simple: you know where the shortfalls are, so it's time to skill up our future work force and inspire learners. Experts should be influencing, be thought leaders, spreading their drive and passion to empower future generations.
It’s not just learners who need the support of businesses. School leaders are crying out for business people to act as governors, especially in the most deprived areas where uptake in these roles is low. We must work together to build a strong vibrant economy.
Collaboration is key. Let's join the dots and bring learners, educators and businesses together.
Please contact me to talk about the work we are doing.
Stand: P36, in BETT Futures