List of assignments undertaken as an independent consultant, in chronological order

These are the assignments I have undertaken since starting work as an independent consultant in November 2004, in chronological order (more or less: some assignments overlapped or were concurrent).

  1. Assistance with writing a bid for Learning & Skills Council funding (successful) .
  2. Stand-in editor  for Naace newsletter (3 times) December 2004.
  3. Presentation about Building Schools for the Future at the IT Learning Exchange December 2004.
  4. Ofsted inspections of Information and Communication Technology in Key Stages 3 and 4 and post-16, and Business Education at post-16.
  5. Assistance with writing a bid for a Becta project (successful).
  6. Worked with a private sector company on the aforementioned Becta project (successful).
  7. Research report for Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
  8. Representation of Naace at events, eg Building Schools for the Future Conference.
  9. Pre-Ofsted work with secondary school: lesson observations etc.
  10. Strategic and technical guidance for specialist technology college.
  11. Pre-inspection preparation for a private training company.
  12. Facilitator on SLICT courses.
  13. Writing of the ICT Strategy for a London Local Education Authority.
  14. Evaluation of Becta’s Framework for ICT Support (FITS) programme.
  15. Evaluation of FITS for a London Local Education Authority (the original assignment has been extended 3 times).
  16. Writing assignments, eg for The Guardian, TES, Micro Mart, PfP Publishing, ASPECT's journal, Primary Leadership Today and others.
  17. ICT review and evaluation for a secondary girls' school in London.
  18. Commissioned to advise Becta on its e-safety strategy .
  19. Organisation of and report on multi-agency think tank on Every Child Matters.
  20. Presentation for ORT on e-assessment.
  21. Organisation of Naace’s Annual Strategic Conference (approximately 700 delegates).
  22. Presentation about ICT planning at Specialist Schools and Academies Trust.
  23. Presentation about Web 2.0 for Becta staff training day.
  24. Presentation about Web 2.0 for Becta-organised Future-gazing seminar.
  25. Presentation about ICT planning at Naace all-members conference.
  26. Presentation about embedding educational technology in schools at North-East England conference.
  27. Advising and teaching on a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education course (ICT module).
  28. Editing a book about Web 2.0 (read by an estimated 60,000 people and recommended for an international award).
  29. Creation of resources pack for the Association of Citizenship Teaching.
  30. Self-published an ebook about Every Child Matters which is now being used by several thousand teachers and advisors.
  31. Invited to contribute on a regular basis to the USA’s Technology & Learning Blog, which I’m still doing.
  32. Presented at an international online conference -- K12 Online (which won an international award).
  33. Served as one of a panel of judges for an international project -- Flat Classrooms (which won an international award).
  34. Wrote the first draft of a bid for an Local Authority seeking funding for a 14-19 project (I did the research and writing that enabled the in-house team to refine its approach and submit a final bid).
  35. Wrote a bid for funding for ICT in initial teacher training for a college.
  36. Vice-Chair of Naace (1 year).
  37. Chair of Naace (1 year).
  38. Gave (with Miles Berry) a presentation at the BETT show on behalf of the British Computer Society on the subject of using blogs and wikis etc in education.
  39. Gave (with Janet Roberts and Russell Ingleby) a presentation at the BETT show on behalf of Naace on the subject of "What does good ICT look like?".
  40. Self-published a booklet on Every Child Matters and one on how to make ICT lessons more interesting.
  41. Gave (with Miles Berry) a presentation at the RSC-NI Conference on the subject of using blogs and wikis etc in education.
  42. Presentation to the Westminster Education Forum on behalf of Naace, on "Are we teaching the right sort of IT in schools?"
  43. Successfully bid for Targetted Capital Funds totalling £500k on behalf of a recently-formed soft federation.
  44. Commissioned to write an ICT vision and strategy for a college of Further Education.
  45. Commissioned to write an ICT vision and strategy for a Local Authority's Education division.
  46. Invited to take part in a dinner debate of the British Computer Society.
  47. Commissioned to work with soft federation on project planning and procurement.
  48. Commissioned to write two chapters for a book about ICT and special educational needs.
  49. Commissioned to contribute a chapter and ideas to a book for teaching ICT to Year 8 (13 years old) pupils.
  50. Commissioned to work on a Local Authority's resource bank for its 14-19 curriculum, including Diplomas. This included working with Local Authority advisers, CLC staff, teachers and consultants in designing and then setting up areas on the Local Authority’s Learning Platform for teachers and staff, evaluating resources for their suitability in terms of the Local Authority’s vision and preferred ways of working, and staff training.
  51. Commissioned to write a bid for digital resources (successful).
  52. Invited to submit a book proposal to a publishing company, which I did.
  53. Presentation at Nottingham Trent University ("The future of ICT") on behalf of Naace.
  54. Presentation at BETT 2008, with Miles Berry, ("Personalised learning through technology"), on behalf of Naace.
  55. Chairing an educational debate at BETT 2008, on the subject of "What technology changes have best reflected the changing pedagogical landscape in recent years?" -- see here for details and podcast.
  56. Presentation at the Training & Development Agency for Schools on the subject of "Web 2.0 and professional development.
  57. Presentation at Naace Social Networking conference on the topic of "Teens' view of social networking".
  58. Chairing of discussion session at Naace 2008 Annual Strategic Conference.
  59. Evaluation of a school's ICT provision to ascertain suitability for recommendation of the ICT Mark award.
  60. Invited to become a "meta-judge" in the Horizon 2008 project. (Invitation accepted).
  61. Invited to become a judge on behalf of the British Computer Society in the 2008 Rolls Royce Innovation Awards. (Invitation accepted).
  62. Commissioned to look for and evaluate potential resources for the new Diplomas.
  63. Commissioned to manage a project for generating resources from existing resources, for the new Diplomas.
  64. Commissioned to work on the establishment of a new website for the Diploma delivery in a London Local Authority.
  65. Commissioned to write two articles for Technology and Learning (USA), where I write a fortnightly blog, on the topics of:

    Curriculum integration for technology instruction, and

    Key success strategies for ICT co-ordinators.
  66. Commissioned to write two articles for the Times Educational Supplement magazine on the topics of:

    Learning from the community. How social networking, Skype and Twitter can help you become a better teacher, and

    You've been framed! Using Seesmic to exchange views with colleagues in other schools.
  67. Commissioned to write a regular (weekly) blog for (USA), and three articles on the topics of:

    Planning your ICT budget,

    Using Web 2.0 in your classroom, and

    Assessing educational technology understanding
  68. Published a free book on 60 Web 2.0 projects. This was downloaded thousands of times and was very well received.
  69. Commissioned to work on a Local Authority's resource bank for its 14-19 curriculum, including Diplomas.
  70. Contracted by SSAT to deliver training to Diploma practitioners on ‘Inside the Workplace’ and ‘Inside the Diploma’ events.
  71. Commissioned to write a comparative review of handheld video products for Micro Computer Mart.
  72. Gave the keynote for Flat Classrooms 2008.
  73. Gave presentation at SSAT’s 2008 ICT Conference.
  74. Commissioned to provide training for the new Diplomas generic plus IT line of learning).
  75. Presentation at the Westminster Education Forum on the subject of the potential for technology in the classroom.
  76. Invited to chair the first meeting of the North London ICT Consultants Group. (Invitation accepted.)
  77. Invited to present a seminar (with Miles Berry) at BETT 2009, on behalf of the British Computer Society, on the subject of “What are your kids learning while you’re not looking?” (Invitation accepted.)
  78. Invited to present a talk for Nottingham Trent University on the subject of 14-19 developments. (Invitation accepted.)
  79. Commissioned by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust to organise a series of Inside the Workplace events for new Diploma.
  80. Invited to address a 6th form assembly in a school in York on the subject of “Keeping safe in social networking”. (Invitation accepted.)
  81. Invited to attend the Online Information 2008 conference as an educational writer. (Invitation accepted.)
  82. Invited to attend the Primary Capital Action 08 conference as an educational writer. (Invitation accepted.)
  83. Presentation at BETT on young people’s informal learning of ICT.
  84. Invited to address Broadband conference in Rotterdam on developments in ICT in primary education in the UK. (Invitation accepted.)
  85. Proofreader for and contributor to Becta’s Tech News.
  86. Invited to sit on the board of directors of the Flat Classrooms Project based in the USA.
  87. Invited by the Cambridge Primary Review team to submit a briefing on ICT in the primary sector. (Invitation accepted.)
  88. Invited by the Royal Society of Arts to become a Fellow. (Invitation accepted.)
  89. Invited to attend the Primary Capital Action 09 conference as an educational writer. (Invitation accepted.)
  90. Invited to attend the Handheld Learning 09 conference as an educational writer. (Invitation accepted.)
  91. Commissioned to undertake an ICT Mark assessment for a school.
  92. Commissioned to undertake further work for a Local Authority in relation to its 14-19 Diploma provision.
  93. Invited to chair a number of seminars (‘Mirandamods’) for Mirandanet at the University of London Institute of Education. (Invitation accepted.)
  94. Both proposals to present at BETT 2010 accepted.
  95. Invited to become a member of the NE London ICT Consultants’ Group (NELICT) – the only independent member. (Invitation accepted.)
  96. Invited to present to NELICT on the subject of summative assessment in ICT. (Invitation accepted.)
  97. Invited to present to NELICT on the subject of formative assessment in ICT. (Invitation accepted.)
  98. Invited to present two spotlight sessions at the iCTLT 2010 Conference in Singapore. (Invitation accepted.)
  99. Commissioned to write sample Key Stage 2 ICT unit for publisher.
  100. Commissioned to present online keynote for ICT CPD programme in VITAL community.
  101. Commissioned to undertake a Series Editor role for a new series of materials for primary ICT at Key Stage 2.
  102. Invited to become a member of an informal advisory panel for a global ICT project.
  103. Published “The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book” in March 2010: over 35,000 downloads by January 2011.
  104. Commissioned to work with a graduate trainee teacher in a secondary school in Jersey.
  105. Commissioned to do research and write report on ICT resource needs for national periodical.
  106. Invited to be Keynote Speaker at 2010 Reform Symposium, July 2010. (Invitation accepted.)
  107. Commissioned to write activities for an OU/Vital online course for ICT teachers.
  108. Commissioned to critically review activities for OU/Vital courses written by others.
  109. Commissioned to set up and host an online forum for Secondary ICT Co-ordinators for OU/Vital, jointly with someone else.
  110. Invited to contribute an article to an online Italian journal on the subject of Web 2.0. (Invitation accepted.)
  111. Invited to submit a chapter about using VLEs/Learning Platforms in a book about networked school communities. (Invitation accepted.)
  112. Invited to contribute to a book about the Flat Classrooms Project. (Invitation accepted.)
  113. Commissioned to undertake a Series Editor role for a new series of materials for primary ICT at Key Stage 1.
  114. Commissioned to work with another graduate teacher trainee in Jersey, Spring 2011.
  115. Commissioned to write feature on choosing an interactive whiteboard + 6 reviews, for PC Pro magazine.
  116. Invited to give a talk to a consortium of secondary school Heads of ICT on the subject of the future of ICT. (Invitation accepted.)
  117. Invited to give a talk to primary school parents on the subject of what is good about ICT. (Invitation accepted.)
  118. Invited to give a talk to audio-visual business people about ICT in schools. (Invitation accepted.)
  119. Commissioned to undertake an ICT Mark Assessment for a secondary school in Essex.
  120. Invited to be “mega meta judge” of a Flat Classrooms Project (the NetGen Project). (Invitation accepted.)
  121. Invited to join UNESCO Conference and working group on 21st Century Learning. (Invitation accepted.)
  122. Commissioned by OU/Vital to review links and resources included in its online courses.
  123. Commissioned by OU/Vital to continue to run its Secondary ICT Co-ordinators’ forum and associated online webinar-style discussions (Teachshares)
  124. Commissioned to edit two units on Control for Key Stage 2 by Rising Stars.
  125. Commissioned by OU/Vital to review links and resources included in its online courses.
  126. Commissioned by OU/Vital to continue to run its Secondary ICT Co-ordinators’ forum and associated online webinar-style discussions (Teachshares)
  127. Commissioned to undertake teacher trainee support and staff CPD session at a school in Jersey in Spring 2012 by the Institute of Education.
  128. Invited to collaborate on a new book about Bring Your Own Technology.
  129. Commissioned to undertake research on Bring Your Own Technology for the OU/Vital.
  130. Commissioned to edit and adapt series of books for Key Stage 3 ICT for Rising Stars publisher.
  131. Invited to attend a research panel meeting to advise a company on educational ICT issues. (Invitation accepted.)
  132. Commissioned to undertake a case study of the impact of an ICT installation in a new build school.
  133. Commissioned to write article for Rising Stars (publisher) newsletter.
  134. Commissioned to review and feedback on ICT book proposal by Bloomsbury Publishing.
  135. Commissioned to review Promethean ActivTable for PC Pro’s ICT Review publication.
  136. Commissioned to write several blog posts for Dyslexia Action until January 2013.
  137. Commissioned by Technology & Learning magazine (USA) to prepare and chair a seminar for BETT 2013, and to write an article about it.
  138. Commissioned to write blog posts for RM.
  139. Commissioned by OU/Vital to work on  content (especially  the Levers for Change section).
  140. Commissioned by OU/Vital to undertake research into an iPad school for a case study .
  141. Commissioned by Rising Stars to review draft version of online course.
  142. Commissioned to write case study for RM and Microsoft of a primary school academy. (See
  143. Commissioned to write blog post for a secondary school academy, and a guide to 1:1 computing, for RM.
  144. Commissioned to interview recipients of Naace Impact Awards and write three articles.
  145. Commissioned by PC Pro Magazine to research and review interactive whiteboards.
  146. Commissioned by Intelligent Media to give a presentation and write a blog post for EdExec Live conference.
  147. Commissioned by Osiris to run several training courses on Differentiation in Computing.
  148. Commissioned by Osiris to run several training courses on New Assessment in Computing.
  149. Commissioned by Suffolk County Council to give a talk to teachers on preparing for the new Computing curriculum.
  150. Commissioned by Technology & Learning magazine (USA) to prepare and chair a seminar for BETT 2014, and to write an article about it.
  151. Commissioned by Osiris to run training courses on New Assessment in Computing.
  152. Commissioned by Understanding Modern Government to chair conference on Preparing for the new Computing curriculum.
  153. Commissioned by Understanding Modern Government to co-run a training day for several schools on preparing for the new Computing curriculum.
  154. Two presentations at schools conference in Wokingham
  155. Carried out and wrote reports on case studies of schools for technical support company.
  156. Training courses in new assessment in ICT
  157. Regular articles in Teach Secondary from 2015 onwards.
  158. Regular articles in Technology & Innovation from 2015 onwards.
  159. Training courses in New Assessment in Computing
  160. Assessing Computing Training Day for consortium of schools in Guernsey
  161. Blog post for company website
  162. Regular articles in Teach Primary from 2015.
  163. STEM CPD sessions at National Science Learning Centre:
    Creating a vision for the department and getting teachers on-board
    Creating a high-quality program of study, for all learners of all ages
    Nuts and bolts: Tackling infrastructure, software and hardware issues
  164. Training day in assessing Computing at Bath Spa university
  165. Writing for Secondary Education since 2016
  166. Training course in assessing Computing
  167. Gaia report: section on History of Computing for Mirandanet
  168. STEM teacher lead training at NSLC
  169. Regular writing for Groupcall since 2016
  170. Training course in assessing Computing
  171. Workshop in Content Marketing Through Blogging at Business Hub
  172. Workshop in Social Media for the time-strapped start-up at Business Hub
  173. Presentation at EduTech conference
  174. Writing for Primary School Management since 2017