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Interview with Sir Bob Geldof
I was offered the opportunity to interview Sir Bob Geldof at Bett 2017. The recording isn't wonderful, even after my tweaking it in Audacity. But it's worth persevering with I think because of the interesting and inspiring things that Sir Bob has to say.
Here are the questions I asked him:
1. How did your association with Groupcall begin?
2. What is your vision for education, and how does Groupcall play a part in that?
3. I sometimes attend conferences where a keynote speaker says that schools are no longer needed, because kids can educate themselves. What is your view of such statements?
4. I'm a great believer in practical ideas, so I'd like to ask you: as a result of attending Bett or any other education event, what would you suggest teachers do when they get back to school?
Before listening to the recording, just a couple of things.
First, a language warning. Well, it is Sir Bob, so what would you expect? Mind you, he was quite restrained, only swearing twice I think. Each time it was quite apposite I thought.
Secondly, at one point I said I'd like to ask him about technology (even though we ran out of time so I couldn't), and he replied along the lines of "May I just preface what I say with this?". The 'this' in question was an old Nokia phone that was clearly not a smartphone!