Free resources
The Web 2.0-related books listed below may be a bit old, and some of the links in them may no longer work. But the ideas and most of the information in them will still prove useful.
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Resources available for downloading from this page
- The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book
- Coming of Age: An Introduction to the NEW Worldwide Web
ThE Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book

- 87 projects.
- 10 further resources.
- 52 applications.
- 94 contributors.
- The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications.
- The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications.
- How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues...
- ... And what they recommend you do if you run them.
- What were the learning outcomes?
- And did I mention that this is free?!
Thanks to Nyree Scott, of Christ Church University, Canterbury, for pointing out an error to me: Year 1 is 5-6 year olds, not 6-7 year olds. Don't know how I came to make such a daft mistake, but it's all corrected now!
Download it now!
So what do you think?
If you have already downloaded this book, what do you think about it?
Here's what people have been saying about the 'Amazing Projects' book
In the first week of this book’s being published on the internet it was downloaded at least 6,672 times! Here’s what people have been saying about it.
This is one of the best collaborative resources I've seen on Web 2.0. It covers everything from wikis, blogs, to digital storytelling and podcasting.
Terry Freedman the creator does a masterful job of organizing the content which has been included from such high esteemed educators from around the world, such as: Kim Cofino, Silvia Tolisano, and Shelly Terrell.
What fascinates me so much is how easy it is to use this great resource. The content is organized in such a clean/precise way.
David Kapuler, Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero
I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Terry Freedman over the past couple of years. Full of friendly, down-to-earth wisdom combined with aspirational thinking. Terry recently gave a video lecture/Q&A with the IT trainees on the PGCE programme - which went down really well.
So really good to see Terry’s new publication, The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book! This update to an earlier publication is full of practical ideas, tips and experiences. At £10.00 it’d be a steal, at £FREE it’s a no-brainer. A great resource. Thanks Terry – great work.
Andy Hutt Terry’s done it again – The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book!
His Coming of Age, an introduction to Web 2.0, was downloaded at least 60,000 times when he stopped counting. Many of us used it as an early tour book for the opportunities a new Web presented.
Terry Freedman just completed editing, with the help of what seems like a cast of thousands you likely already follow (or should follow) on Twitter, another lovely free ebook--by practitioners, for practitioners.
Terry hopes The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book - will give readers an incredible insight into what teachers around the world are doing and using.
I can't wait to dig into these ideas with our faculty!
Joyce Valenza
LOVE this Free Book...The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book by Terry Freedman @shannonmiller
Any teacher with an interest ineffectively reaching every learner in his or her classroom–with meaningful, accessible, and engaging learning activities–would do well to take a look.
The book is well organized, with activities categorized according to the general age range of the learners involved.
Paul Hamilton Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book
All ur hard work in collecting, organizing & publishing Amazing Web 2.0 Projects book is VERY appreciated I loaded it on my Kindle and have been enjoying the wonderful project ideas. Thank you, Terry for all the hard work and thank you to the contributors for their project ideas!
Silvia Tolisano
I just found "The Amazing Web 2.0 Projcts Book" - Awesome collection of web2.0 uses. Thx!
@katiepalacios and @3ideas
This is a great book to download for free!
Jonathan Kitchin
It's pretty light and breezy, but the information is well-structured (using a template that identifies things like age ranges, applications used, reactions and outcomes) and the content is clearly and well written throughout.
Stephen Downes
There are some great technology projects included.
Terry does a nice job of organizing the content, which has been included from educators around the world.
C Steinberg
Here is a great discovery- The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book by Terry Freedman.
So you want to plunge into the somewhat murky waters of Web 2.0, but you’re not sure where to start? Here comes Terry Freedman (and 94 other educators from around the world) to the rescue. …
Perhaps what is most beneficial is the voice of experience from knowledgeable educators who share how they implemented the projects and dealt with any issues that arose, as well as what they would recommend to others who tackle the projects. …
Thanks for making this wonderful resource available, Terry!
This truly amazing (and totally free) book is available from Terry’s website
As you think about the technologies we discuss each week, this can provide some good examples of how they are currently being used by real teachers.
… a wonderful compilation of case studies. If you’re looking for ideas, this is an excellent book in which to look.
J Kitterman
Terry Freedman provides a nice compilation of 87 classroom projects using Web 2.0 technologies.
The projects listed in the ebook are quite interesting and almost all contributors stressed the benefits of using Web 2.0 technologies in their teaching activities. However, these projects - and all current Web 2.0-based classroom projects - share a common emphasis on how to best integrate the emergent Web 2.0 technologies into the learning process without influencing the traditional pedagogical principles and policies imposed by formal educational institutions.
Mohamed Amine Chatti
Terry Freedman's "Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book" is now available for download, free of charge….
Packed full of innovation and inspiration, you'll find examples of over 80 fantastic projects, plenty of applications, resources and tips on how to manage a successful venture in the online world of 2.0 and learn how your pupils can benefit.
For lecturers who are interested in examples of how Web2.0 tools have been used in primary and secondary school, a really good resource has just been just published by Terry Freedman.
D Gachago
Terry Freedman has put together an excellent, free, book entitled "Amazing Web 2.0 Projects."….
This is a great resource for any teacher. The projects can be easily modified and there is so much other information and links to help educators come up with their own projects. I recommend this to any teacher, especially teachers who are just starting to use Web 2.0 technologies.
David Andrade
There was so much stuff to take on board at NAACE last week, but one of the gems was to talk with Terry Freedman about his updated projects book.
If you want some inspiration and ideas from around the world – just check out this resource and it’s free!
Mike McSharry
This is a must for those who hearing a lot about Web 2.0 but not sure where to start.
Bill Lord
love it!!! great projects shared and will take awhile to explore them all! Fantastic publication!
Peggy George
Wow, Terry, what a valuable resource and what a hard work you've done! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Evelyn Izquierdo,
Congratulations Terry. Shows the quality of your great work.
Clarence Fisher
This is fantastic. I have bookmarked and I am sure to take a look at some of your ideas.
José Antônio
Convinced you should have this book? It's free!
More responses...
luv it! The collaborative project is amazing. the lay out, the diff reference sections & ease of use R brilliant. gr8t job!
It comes with a wide range of links that you can use – however the value is in the support ideas that are provided – with links, reactions, and the challenges that teachers and students might expect to have to overcome.
It's always nice to have some tried and true projects to incorporate...
Have you seen this? I printed it out this morning and firstly it seems like my holiday reading is sorted and secondly I cannot believe it is free.
Sweet! It doesn’t get better than free AND useful, thanks
Terry Freedman’s wonderful FREE ebook is definitely worth a read .
Isn't it great when information is FREE? Obviously we library folk agree with that philosophy. You can also follow Terry Freedman on twitter- he is very influential and well-thought of!
Kathy Schrock's weekly email update provided this book which can be downloaded from the Educational Technology Site – ICT in Education. Provides a comprehensive listing of web 2.0 tools which teachers have incorporated into their curriculum.
Today this posting is for those of you who like everything in one place! The Amazing Web 2.0 Project Book. Terry Freedman has collected a ton of practical, useful, and pedagogical ways to utilize Web 2.0 tools to support teaching and learning in this no-coast, downloadable publication. I've used a number of his ideas...he is definitely tuned into 21st century skills for both students and teachers! Take some time to check it out...I think you'll like what you see !
Convinced now?! Download it from here:
Even more responses:
It’s those rare events when I come across a package that compiles a large number of activities/units with real school examples. Terry Freedman created Amazing Web 2.0 Projectsas an ebook which you can download. Included in the resource are web addresses that you can check out, challenges of the projects as well as tips for success. What a find!
Janet Chow, Ideas to tweak your thinking, on her 21st Century Communities of Practice blog.
I’m a avid follower of Terry Freedman (@terryfreedman) and I totally hated myself for missing iCTLT2010 and a chance to attend his concurrent session, Introducing Web 2.0 Into Your Classroom. Good news is Terry recently released an ebook The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book. Best of all, it is free!
Kwan Tuck Soon, The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book by Terry Freedman on his Education Soon To Be blog.
... before I start to look in detail, I want to say that you should get hold of this book. It is better than anything else around.
Jack Kenny, The Worth of Free, on Merlin John's Agent for Change website. Note: lest I be accused of misrepresentating Jack's views, I should point that he was somewhat critical of some aspects of the book. However, he did say, twice, that you should download the book!
Are you sure you know what’s really meant by Web 2.0? By the time you get well into Terry Freedman’s new (and free) e-book The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book you will, I guarantee, regardless of your previous level of understanding, be much clearer about what it can mean for schools and learning.
What Terry’s done here is put together a large collection of projects from teachers. Many of them are works in progress. All make fascinating reading. They’re deeply educative and – as when we’re presented with the painstaking work of serious-minded early years learners – often quite moving.
Gerald Haigh, Gerald Haigh's Five Things To Think About – 30
AWESOME resource -- FREE!
“The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book,” edited by Terry Freedman, is a must-read for anybody who wants to use Web 2.0 applications with their students.
Terry has done a fine job collating and editing this volume.
Cool resource....If you teach writing or responding to literature, this resource will provide you with dozens of way to allow students to integrate technology to communicate their ideas. By taking advantage of free, widely available technologies, you can encourage your most reluctant writers while allowing your more gifted students to stretch their limits.
Keith Schoch's How To Teach A Novel blog.
Hats off to British educator, Terry Freedman, who has solicited lessons from 94 teachers from around the world and edited them into a free downloadable book. ... Terry's project is a great example of how the internet can be harnessed to share and collaborate.
Peter Pappas' Copy/Paste blog.
Fantastic book for all teachers. Terry Freedman has done it again. He has put out a new book - The Amazing Web 2 Projects Book. This book is free and has many ideas for the busy teacher. The best thing is all of these ideas come from teachers globally so that there are some really great ideas. These teachers have been trialled the projects so you know that they are going to work.
Also available! Coming of Age: An Introduction to the NEW Worldwide Web
This is an introduction to Web 2.0 which has been downloaded at least 60,000 times (I stopped keeping track after a while, and it's available from other websites too, so I didn't have a complete picture anyway.)
Download it from here: