People sometimes ask me why I started the Digital Education ezine. To be honest, I sometimes ask myself, given that it takes me quite a while to put each issue together!
But then I receive unsolicited comments, like this one:
I have recently forwarded the Christmas issue to a newly-qualified teacher of Information & Communications Technology - she said that she could not put it down and had to finish the whole issue all in one go - thank you very much for giving fellow readers so much hope and inspirations.
and this one:
WOW! I don't know what possessed me to link to your newsletter, Terry, but you have captured, in the sample issue sent to me, what seems to be the top ten list of significant educational issues and boiled them down into - manageable undertakings?! Don't let the teaching colleges find out about this, or they will run you out of town.
and then I remember why I started it in the first place, and continue to do it...
Why and when?
The Digital Education ezine is free. It’s aimed at people with a professional interest in educational ICT and Computing, and has several thousand subscribers. It contains articles and other items (like competitions and reviews) that are related to teaching ICT and Computing.
I use a double opt-in system, which means that if you decide to sign up you will receive an email asking you to confirm, just in case one of your friends decided to sign you up without your knowing about it.
Once you’ve done that you will receive an email telling you how to access the free resources area. Then you’ll receive another email 10 days later reminding you of the details.
You can unsubscribe any time you like.
If you’d like to subscribe, then here’s where to begin the process: Yes! Pease sign me up to the newsletter right now! OMG I can’t wait to receive my first newsletter!