Review: Sensational: A new story of our senses, by Ashley Ward
Like most people, I’m confident in the knowledge that we humans possess five senses. Or rather, I was before I read Sensational. Research apparently shows we may actually have up to 50, and even that figure isn’t universally agreed upon.
Ward discusses each sense in turn, and some of the recent findings he cites are indeed fascinating – such as the study which found that we’re capable of detecting a trillion smells. More importantly, he looks at how different senses combine, and makes the crucial point that perception is the result of what the brain makes of all these sensations.
Also covered are the senses that certain animals possess, and how this knowledge can combine with technology to warn of impending earthquakes.
Aside from being an interesting read in itself, Sensational would be a useful addition to any biology department’s bookshelf.
This book was first reviewed in Teach Secondary magazine.
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