ICT & Computing in Education

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On this day: 27 December 2019 and 2022

On the ICT & Computing in Education blog I had one of my peridodic digs at politicians. It’s pretty timeless, and the only thing perhaps I would add is a paragraph to the effect that X needs to be done, even though the person responsible for its not being done was me. Some politicians seem to be expert at that evasion of responsibility, which is an enviable trait in some respects.

Anyway, here is the post I wrote, which starts like this:

I was watching a debate in the House of Lords the other day, and I was very struck (I hesitate to use the word 'impressed') by how easily a particular government representative managed to fend off a whole variety of questions without saying anything of any value whatsoever.

After a few of these answers, I was able to boil them down to a formula which could be used in virtually any context.

In essence, his answers consisted of the following parts, in the following order:

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Over on my Eclecticism newsletter I wrote about my writing process, and linked to several interesting articles, including one about my father, who died on 26th December 1976. Here’s how the piece begins:

As a rule I write these Start the Week posts on Mondays, but yesterday I wanted to write and publish the article called Bravery. If you read it then the reason for wanting to publish it yesterday as opposed to any other day will become obvious.

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