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Digital Education: Safer Internet Day

Fake news in the 17th century?

The photo shows the front page of a broadsheet published in England in 1649. The quality isn’t wonderful, so I’ll tell you what it says:

The Kingdomes Weekly Intellingencer, sent abroad, to prevent mis-information

Which only goes to prove, fake news is nothing new, but it spread so much more quickly now, and much harder (I should think) to counteract. (I say “I should think” because people tend to believe the things that confirm their opinions, and I daresay it was the same 300 years ago.)

All of which leads me on to mention the fact that the latest issue of Digital Education, which I will publish later this evening, has an online safety focus (though there is nothing specifically about fake news as such). With Safer Internet Day just a couple of days away, this issue contains many links to resources and free reports about children’s online lives and behaviour.

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