A cornucopia of comic-making applications
This is an image I created using pulpomizer.com. Thanks to Julian Wood for drawing my attention to this application in one of his talks.
A short while before the summer 2017 break, Nick Jeans, Senior Consultant in Learning Technology at Sero Consulting, enquired in the Association for Learning Technology discussion list whether anyone had any recommendations for free comic-making software. I've collated the responses here. (Nobody in the discussion list has objected to my plan to do so.)
You'll need to check for yourself whether all of them are still working or free, but even if one or two have gone the way of all flesh, there is still a lot to choose from!
20 free tools for making comics and cartoons for teaching and learning, by David Walsh
Teaching with Comics, by Shelly Terrell
The best ways to make comic strips online, by Larry Ferlazzo
Review of Comic Strip Creator, by Terry Freedman
100 ways to use a VLE – #89: Embedding a Comic Strip, by James Clay
Comic Life: iPad app of the week, by James Clay
James Clay has also reviewed various free and non-free comic apps at http://elearningstuff.net/tag/comic/ – definitely worth a rummage!
The following were collated by Oriel Kelly:
Comic Smart Panels application
Stripwise Comic Creation Suite
Krita (Digital painting software)
Synfig Studio (An animation software but can easily export as still comic frames)