ICT & Computing in Education

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Also on the web: 08/20/2010 (a.m.)

  • Martha Lane Fox is conducting a review which covers not only how central Government could deliver its online services better, but also which services SHOULD be delivered by central government, and which by other agencies. Sounds good to me.There are just four questions in the survey: * Question 1: Central Government’s objectives in digital delivery * Question 2: Who should do what? * Question 3: Sharing the platform * Question 4: Trends in digital deliveryI think it's important for ICT teachers and leaders to take the survey: there's a lot of good stuff being produced by people whose work deserves a wider audience.The link above takes you to the article in The Register about it, but if you want to go straight to the survey copy and paste this URL into your browser:http://directgovreview.readandcomment.com/

    tags: Review of DirectGov

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.